
The Past, Present and Future of Copyright Licensing
2024: The Past, Present and Future of Copyright Licensing

A full day of four panels exploring issues of copyright licensing, as they affect creators in different industries, featuring academics, industry experts, government and non-government officials.

2023: Rearrange, Transform or Adapt: The Derivative Works Right After Andy Warhol Foundation v. Goldsmith
2024: Rearrange, Transform or Adapt: The Derivative Works Right After Andy Warhol Foundation v. Goldsmith
2023: Rearrange, Transform or Adapt: The Derivative Works Right After Andy Warhol Foundation v. Goldsmith

Three panels of distinguished guests addressed the many questions about the derivative works right which remain in the wake of Warhol v. Goldsmith.

2022: Under PRESSure: Legal Protections, Regulations and the Future of Press Publishing
2022: Under PRESSure: Legal Protections, Regulations and the Future of Press Publishing
2022: Under PRESSure: Legal Protections, Regulations and the Future of Press Publishing

The Kernochan Symposium on Press Publishers' Rights looked at why the press is floundering, whether the 2019 EU Copyright Directive's sui generis IP right for press publishers offers an appropriate response to save the industry, and whether legislators should look to copyright or antitrust law for a solution.

2021: NFTs: Future or Fad?
2021: NFTs: Future or Fad?
2021: NFTs: Future or Fad?

The Kernochan Center Symposium, "NFTs: Future or Fad?" served as a guide to this growing, creative, and potentially lucrative, market, and will discuss what role copyright can play in protecting these assets.

2019 - Exploring Copyrightability and Scope of Protection
2019 - Exploring Copyrightability and Scope of Protection
2019: Exploring Copyrightability and Scope of Protection

The form authorship takes has never been static, but in the 21st century, the changes seem to be happening at lightning speed.  While forms of creative expression advance at a faster rate than the law, authors must grapple with how – and whether – copyright attaches to their creations.

2018 - Owning Personality: The Expanding Right of Publicity
2018 - Owning Personality: The Expanding Right of Publicity
2018: Owning Personality: The Expanding Right of Publicity

"Owning Personality: The Expanding Right of Publicity" looked not only at the historical contours of the right of publicity, but also at its normative goals. Panels focused on how such a right is best crafted, including what uses should be exempted from its scope, and delved into other areas of the law implicated by publicity and privacy statutes.

Past Symposia

Exploring International Copyright's Gaps and Flexibilities (2017)

Trading in IP (2016)

Copyright Outside the Box (2015)

Creation is Not Its Own Reward: Making Copyright Work for Authors and Performers (2014)

Secondary Liability for Trademark Infringement on the Internet (November 2013)

Copyright Exceptions for Libraries in the Digital Age: Section 108 Reform (February 2013)

Art Authentication (October 2011)

Collective Management of Copyright (January 2011)

Digital Archives (April 2010)

Google Books (March 2009)

Fair Use / Secondary Liability (January 2009)

Constitutional Challenges (October 2006)