Manges Lectures
The Annual Horace S. Manges Lecture
The Horace S. Manges Lecture & Conference Fund was established by the law firm of Weil, Gotshal & Manges in 1986 in memory of its esteemed partner, Horace S. Manges, Law ’19. Mr. Manges was a distinguished trial lawyer and was counsel to leading writers and publishers and to the American Book Publishers Council (now the Association of American Publishers). A founder, officer and trustee of the Copyright Society of the U.S.A. (now the Copyright Society), he also performed important government service and played an active role in the development of copyright legislation.
2024: Dale Cendali
On Monday, March 25, 2024, Dale Cendali of Kirkland and Ellis LLP delivered the 36th Annual Manges Lecture, “Litigating Fair Use.”
2023: Professor Raquel Xalabarder
On Monday, April 17, 2023, Professor Raquel Xalabarder of Universitat Oberta de Catalunya delivered the 35th Annual Manges Lecture, “Regulating AI: Differences Between the US and the EU.”
2022: The Hon. Margaret McKeown
On Monday, April 4, 2022, The Hon. Margaret M. McKeown of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals delivered the 34th Annual Manges Lecture, “Art, Music, and Mash-ups — A View from the Bench on Creativity and Copyright.”
2021: Karyn Temple
On Thursday, March 15, 2021, Karyn Temple ´97, Senior Executive Vice President and Global General Counsel for the Motion Picture Association, delivered the 33rd annual Manges Lecture, “Beyond Whack-A-Mole: Content Protection in the Age of Platform Accountability.” The lecture, postponed from 2020 due to the pandemic, was delivered via Zoom. Video is not available.
2019: David Nimmer
On Monday, April 1, 2019, David Nimmer, of Irell and Manella, delivered the 32nd Annual Horace S. Manges Lecture, "Authorship/Infringement and the Cognition of Volition." The video of this lecture is not available.
2018: R. Bruce Rich
On March 26, 2018, R. Bruce Rich, a senior partner at Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP, delivered the 31st Annual Horace S. Manges Lecture, "The 'Art' of Copyright: A Practitioner's Perspective.
2017: Shira Perlmutter
On April 3, 2017, Shira Perlmutter, Chief Policy Officer and Director for International Affairs, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, delivered the 30th Annual Horace S. Manges Lecture, "Toward a Global Copyright Law?"
2016: Brad Meltzer '96
On March 24, 2016, Bestselling Author Brad Meltzer '96 delivered the 29th Annual Horace S. Manges Lecture, "Copy Write: The Author Survival Guide"
2015: R. Anthony Reese
On February 23, 2015, R. Anthony Reese, Chancellor's Professor of Law, School of Law, University of California Irvine, delivered the 28th Annual Horace S. Manges Lecture, "Optional Copyright Renewal? Lessons for Designing Copyright Systems"
2014: Maria Martin-Prat
On April 7, 2014, Maria Martin Prat, Head of the Copyright Unit in the European Commission, Internal Market Directorate General (DG Markt), delivered the 27th Annual Horace S. Manges Lecture, "The Future of Copyright in the European Union."
2013: The Honorable Maria A. Pallante, U.S. Register of Copyrights
For the full text of Ms. Pallante's Lecture, "The Next Great Copyright Act," please click here. The Lecture was recently published in The Columbia Journal of Law and the Arts (36 Colum. J. Law & Arts 3 (2013)).
2012: Robert Darnton
On April 2, 2012, Professor Darnton, Carl H. Pforzheimer University Professor and Director of the Harvard University Library delivered "Digitize, Democratize: Libraries and the Future of Books." Professor Darnton's lecture is available in The Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts (36 Colum. J. Law & Arts 1 (2012)).
2011: Dr. Francis Gurry
The 2011 Horace S. Manges Lecture was given on April 6, 2011 by Dr. Francis Gurry, Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). His talk was entitled “Copyright in the Digital Environment: Restoring the Balance." This lecture is available in Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts (35 Colum. J. L & Arts 1 (2012)).

2010: Robert P. Merges
Prof. Robert P. Merges
Boalt Hall School of Law
Professor Robert P. Merges JSD ’88, the Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Professor of Law and Technology at UC Berkeley Law School, delivered the 23rd annual Horace S. Manges Lecture on Monday, April 5, 2010. In his talk, titled “The Future of Property: Individual Ownership and the Digital Age,” Merges raised the question whether intellectual property is property at all. His paper will be published in the Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts (34 Colum. J. L & Arts 113 (2011)).

2009: David O. Carson
David O. Carson
General Counsel
U.S. Copyright Office
The 22nd Annual Horace S. Manges Lecture took place on February 3, 2009. The lecturer was David O. Carson, General Counsel of the United States Copyright Office, spoke on the controversy surrounding peer-to-peer file sharing in a talk entitled "Making the Making Available Right Available." As General Counsel, he is responsible for the Office's regulatory activities, litigation and administration of the copyright law. He has been General Counsel since 1997, save for a term as Associate Register for Policy and International Affairs at the Copyright Office from 2006 until December, 2008. His article was published in the Winter, 2010 issue of the Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts, 33 Colum. J. L. Arts 135.

2008: James G. Neal
James G. Neal
Vice President for Information Services
and University Librarian
Columbia University
The 21st Annual Horace S. Manges Lecture took place on April 1, 2008. This year's lecturer was James G. Neal, Vice President for Information Services and University Librarian at Columbia University. Previously, he served as the Dean of University Libraries at Indiana University and Johns Hopkins University. He has represented the American library community in testimony on copyright matters before Congressional committees and is a member of the U.S. Copyright Office Section 108 Study Group. His speech was entitled "A Lay Perspective on the Copyright Wars: A Report From the Trenches of the Section 108 Study Group," and this lecture was published in the Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts Vol. 32, No. 2 (Winter 2009).

2007: Lionel Bently
Left to right: Jane C. Ginsburg, The Morton L. Janklow Professor of Literary & Artistic Property Law; 2007 Manges Lecturer, Prof. Lionel Bently; and his wife, Clair Milligan
Professor Lionel Bently, the Herchel Smith Professor of Intellectual Property at Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge delivered the 20th Annual Horace S. Manges Lecture on Tuesday, April 10, 2007. His lecture was titled "People v. The Author: From the Death Penalty to Community Service." His lecture was published in the Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts and can be found at 32 Colum. J. L. Arts 1 (Fall 2008).

2006: Nick Taylor
Left to right: Executive Director of the Kernochan Center, June M. Besek; 2006 Manges Lecturer, Nick Taylor; and the Morton L. Janklow Professor of Literary & Artistic Property Law, Jane C. Ginsburg
Nick Taylor delivered the 19th Annual Horace S. Manges Lecture on April 4, 2006. Mr. Taylor is a best-selling author, the immediate past president of the Authors Guild and director of the Authors Guild Foundation, a member of the literary organization PEN, and an advocate of copyright and fair contracts. Mr. Taylor's lecture was entitled "The Prospects for Copyright in a Bookless World." This lecture was published in the 30 Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts 2 (2007) issue.

2005 Paul Goldstein
Left to right: Professor Paul Goldstein, Lillick Professor of Law, Stanford University; Professor Jane Ginsburg; and 2003 Manges Lecturer, Judge Pierre N. Leval
The 18th Annual Horace S. Manges Lecture was given by Paul Goldstein, Stella W. and Ira S. Lillick Professor of Law, Stanford University on "Copyright's Commons" on April 4, 2005. This lecture was published in 29 Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts 1 (2005).

2004: Diane L. Zimmerman
Left to right: Margo E. Crespin, Asst. Director of the Kernochan Center; Professor Jane C. Ginsburg; 2004 Manges Lecturer, Prof. Diane L. Zimmerman; and June M. Besek, Executive Director of the Kernochan Center
Diane L. Zimmerman '76, Samuel Tilden Professor of Law, New York University School of Law delivered the 17th Annual Horace S. Manges Lecture at Columbia Law School on March 29, 2004. Professor Zimmerman spoke on "It's an Original!(?): In Pursuit of Copyright's Elusive Essence." This lecture was published in the 28 Columbia Journal of Law the Arts 187 (2005).
Past Horace S. Manges Lectures
1988 Hon. Jon O. Newman
1989 Hon. Robert W. Kastenmeier
1990 Hon. Barbara A. Ringer
1991 Robert J. Coleman
1992 Prof. Sam Ricketson
1993 Jean-Francois Verstrynge
1994 Robert Wedgeworth
1995 Prof. J. Thomas McCarthy
1996 Hon. Marybeth Peters
1997 Dr. Mihaly Ficsor
1998 The Hon. Howard Coble
1999 Stephen Manes
2000 Prof. Laura N. Gasaway
2001 Prof. Robert A. Gorman
2002 Prof. William R. Cornish
2003 Hon. Pierre N. Leval
2004 Prof. Diane L. Zimmerman
2005 Prof. Paul L. Goldstein
2006 Nick Taylor
2007 Prof. Lionel Bently
2008 James G. Neal
2009 David O. Carson
2010 Prof. Robert P. Merges
2011 Dr. Francis Gurry
2012 Prof. Robert Darnton
2013 The Hon. Maria A. Pallante
2014 Maria Martin-Prat