Clauses For User Generated Content Submissions

Clauses For User Generated Content Submissions

Yahoo! does not claim ownership of Content you submit or make available for inclusion on the Service. However, with respect to Content you submit or make available for inclusion on publicly accessible areas of the Service, you grant Yahoo! the following worldwide, royalty-free and non-exclusive license(s), as applicable:With respect to Content you submit or make available for inclusion on publicly accessible areas of Yahoo! Groups, the license to use, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, publicly perform and publicly display such Content on the Service solely for the purposes of providing and promoting the specific Yahoo! Group to which such Content was submitted or made available. This license exists only for as long as you elect to continue to include such Content on the Service and will terminate at the time you remove or Yahoo! removes such Content from the Service.

Clause Type:


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This is the license to post material on Yahoo's Flickr photo-sharing service. It gives Yahoo! rights to use and to modify the photographs a user posts, but the user retains the copyright in the work and the license ends once the photographer ceases to post the image on the site.


  1. Promotional Use. Author grants to WEBSITE OPERATOR the right use Author's name, biographical information, likeness, pseudonym and/or image in connection with authorized uses of the Materials, said information to be supplied by Author.

  2. Credit, Attribution and Linking. WEBSITE OPERATOR shall give Author credit in connection with the use of the Materials by identifying Author in conjunction with the Materials as displayed on the Site. WEBSITE OPERATOR shall also provide on the Site a link to the Author’s web site and to the Materials, to the extent available, on

  3. Term. The term of this Agreement (the "Term") shall commence upon the date set forth above and will continue until such time as WEBSITE OPERATOR determines, in its sole discretion, to remove the Materials or, upon thirty-day written notice by Author of its/his/her intent to terminate the Agreement.

    1. WEBSITE OPERATOR shall be the sole owner of all intellectual property rights in the Site and all materials relating to the Site other than the Materials. Author shall retain all rights with respect to the Materials which are not expressly granted to WEBSITE OPERATOR herein and Author may exercise, sell, license, or otherwise dispose of such rights at any time.

Clause Type:


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See this example in context of a contract 

This is an agreement between a website operator and a user who wishes to post content on the site. It allows the contributor/author to retain copyright in the work and gives him or her credit on the site. Furthermore, the contributor/author is allowed to remove the material at any time on 30 days notice.